[scbutton link=”http://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-celebrity-workshop-tickets-17717963907″ target=”blank” variation=”red” size=”small” align=”none”]Register Now[/scbutton]The Workshop is now over, but you can still participate in this semester’s Acting for the Camera Classes. Visit the home page to investigate your options and to learn more about FWAS. At our July workshop, our members met Abbie Cobb of 90210 and…
Acting for the Camera
Video has never been as important and commonly used in our culture as it is today. From familiar uses like movies and television, to recent incarnations on the web, phones and other devices, VIDEO IS EVERYWHERE. And more and more, we are seeing common job descriptions posted by corporations seeking people with…
Demo Reels
A demo reel is something every working actor needs. The demo reel is often how casting directors see what you can do on camera. You can be one of the hundreds of actors whose agent submits them for a role or you can be the actor that is self…